Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Notes: [[Andrew Lang's Arabian Nights, Part B]]

Two Sides-Humon/DeviantArt
1. (Two genies. One Ring-One Lamp).Ring is stolen by princess and asked genie to rid her of Aladdin and his obsessive, dangerous ways. The genie agrees on one condition; that she in turn frees and marries him instead. She agrees, but something happens that causes Aladdin to not die...The genie of the lamp saves him? Have one genie as the bad genie and one genie as the good genie (tie into idea #2?).
2. (Wronged Wishes) Everything Aladdin asks for from the genie backfires. In true genie fashion everything comes at a cost (think Rumpelstiltskin, but only
A genie's Lamp
in genie form). Example, Aladdin asks for sixty slaves to carry mounds of gold, in bowls, to the sultan. Well, the genie grants the wish, but instead of gold being in the bowls its snakes, which not only frightens the sultan, but causes him to say not his proposal. Aladdin keeps trying and he keeps getting denied because of the genie's "cost".

Poision Bottle-Glenribeen/Wordpress
3. (The Magicians Poison)Having been poisoned the magician dies but the princess, knowing now that the lamp has magical powers, steals it for her own purposes (Brainstorm what she would want it for). Aladdin must take back the lamp to save not only her, but her land/kingdom because if her demands are satisfied it would be the very end of her and the potential for him to be king.

Gibbs, L.(2014, July 19). Myth-Folklore Unit: Arabian Nights Entertainments; [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://mythfolklore.blogspot.com/2014/04/myth-folklore-unit-arabian-nights.html

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