Sunday, September 4, 2016

[[Feedback Thoughts]]

Think, think think-Tumblr
I have had plenty of experience giving feedback in my other classes. Having had the majority of my college education online it has made me give and receive both negative and positive feedback. The strategies I recommend when giving feedback to others is to always be honest. Just not so honest where you destroy any ability for that person to continue their creative process. I have had that happen and it's heartbreaking. Being honest without being cruel is something that you must do in a creative course. Most importantly realize that it's a learning process for everybody. Not everyone is going to be as good in grammar or as strong in plots that you may be.
Pooh is a thinker!-Feryof
That's why you lend a helping hand not slapping them. It's perfectly natural to be shaken up by negative feedback. It's whether you can take that negative feedback and turn it into something positive that really matters. I have been utterly destroyed by negative feedback. It was so intense and so harsh, that there was no way to turn it around. When you have spent your entire life writing creatively and dreaming of being an author it hurts when a professor tells you, you will never be published. That negative feedback is not helpful, it's harmful and that's the feedback you have to be mindful of, because it helps no one.

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