Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Notes: [[Mackenzie's Egyptian Myth and Legend, Part A]]

Nut(Egyptian Sky Goddess)-Pinterest
1. Ra creates the world. Nut creates the stars. They create it as a gift to one another. Basically, a love story of Ra and Nut. Either it can be against the rules that they fall in love or Nut falls in love with Osiris. Out of despair for losing what he thought was the love of his life, Ra joins the creatures/people he created. Which causes the human emotions to not only include jealousy but distrust of others. Ra's emotions are connected to the things he created.
The Snake of the Nile-FArt
2. The snake that bit Ra (which was created by Isis) does not die by the hands of its creator. Instead the snake grows stronger and stronger fueled on Isis greed, jealousy and need of power. Also, on the pain of Ra. The snake, in turn, causes massive havoc and a mass poisoning of individuals. This is before he creates his home in the Nile river and causes the greatest floods Egyptians have ever seen, wiping out villages and crops. Brainstormed title: "The Snake of the Nile".
Apocalyptic Egypt-WallpapersWide
3. Apocalyptic Ra navigating the destruction of the world he created. Conveying mass hopelessness in humanity and within Ra. Then something, the smallest pleasure that we take for granted, cases Ra to have hope and he renews the world with the help of Hathor. Also, another possibility is to have Hathor fight Ra to keep it in chaos (since that's what she thrives on.
Magic Jars-DeviantArt
4. The magic jars that hold a flood, in the story, will be expanded into various jars holding various catastrophes. By describing Ra make them I can kind of go a different route than I normally take and make it to where it's kind of like a science book or a chemistry experiment. For example, I would make Ra into an alchemist named Rasley and the story will unfold like so:
1/2 pd soil
1pd of water
etc and etc.
Then I would switch over to Rasley (Ra) in the lab. Basically breaking apart the story with a homemade set of disasters. Complex, but I like it and it's different!
Bookf of Incantations-Wikia
5. "Magical incantations to overcome demons of evil". Different instances/stories that require different incantations, by different types of witches. For example, demon of nature attacks a witch. Witch says incantation of flowers to get rid of the demon. Gives me the opportunity to dive into poetry while still retaining some storytelling.
6. Set causes the greatest war in Egyptian history and his brother Osiris fights against him. Brother against brother and possibly describing different sides of the battle. More brainstorm...

Gibbs, L.(2014, July 19). Myth-Folklore Unit: Ancient Egyptian Myth and Stories; [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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