Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Story: [[Two Genies:Too Right, Too wrong]]

The tale starts out like this.
Arabian Princess-Pinterest
There was once a princess who was taken nightly from her husband because a man wished to have her. No matter the cost. One night this man named Aladdin took her from the very bed in which she lay with her husband and put her in his bed. Fearful for her life, for her reputation and most importantly her virtue, she sought to rid herself of him once and for all.
“How can I do this… he wields such power...How?” said the princess lying next to Aladdin.
Aladdin rolled over and she saw tucked under his arm was a lamp. How odd she thought for a man to sleep with a lamp, it must be very important. Very valuable item indeed. I wonder… As she slid the lamp from his grasp, she slid off his bed where he slept soundly and stood beside the bed and rubbed the lamp every so eagerly. Surely, it’s not what I think it is, she thought.
As she rubbed the lamp a string of red smoke began to come out the end of it and a figure floated before her very eyes. “Who dare wakes me from my slumber!!”
“Shh… you must be quiet; you will wake that beastly man that lies in the bed!”
The Evil Genie-EmanuellaKozas
“Pssht! My unwise lady, he is in the deepest sleep, nothing, not anyone not anything could wake him now. Now speak! What do you wish! After all, you did not wake me to quiet me, did you?”
“No, I promise you. I did not do such a thing. I wish you to rid me of him. This man called Aladdin. He wishes to be my husband, but I’m already betrothed I fear for myself! Rid me of him. Throw him into the hottest volcano! Do whatever you want!”
This menacing red genie grinned evilly, with a glint in his eyes. If the princess wasn’t so oblivious to what was in front of her. She would have seen he is not a good genie. He is in fact the worst kind…
“Granted!”, crossing his arms and bowing his head. Aladdin disappeared into a red smoke. His ring falling to the ground and rolling across the floor. Suddenly it began to glow green and smoke began to form, there before them both stood a genie. He was decorated in the finest green silks and emeralds.
“What have you done to my master! His disappearance worried me so, I had to leave my safe haven. What have you both done!”
Scared, but in awe at the same time. It would be the princess’s luck that her had two powerful genies to do his bidding.
Good Genie-CreepyHollows
“He is a cruel man who wishes to take me from my husband and make me his own. He is a mean man bent on my unhappiness. He is an unholy man, fore he lays soundlessly by a married woman and he is a greedy man fore he bears to powerful genies, when he could give one to another.”
The green genie grew in height angered at the princess’s words. She did not know Aladdin the way the genie did and in doing so summoned the genie of death. A genie bent on destruction. He granted wishes, yes, but he destroys everyone including the person doing the wishing.
“You speak about my master in such a way! You obviously do not know him! Princess you are wrong! Very, very wrong! He is a generous man, he rode on the back of a camel dropping rubies and sapphires to the poor. He is a wise man, because he does not take advantage of a beautiful creature like yourself, he only rests his head near you. He is a kind man, who knows you would not be happy in the marriage you have for he saw his future in you. He is a virtuous man, because he wants you as his wife and sees inside your soul. You destroyed the very man who was your one true love, your match”.
Tears began to form as she had no idea who Aladdin really was. She took him on surface value and never go to know him.
“I’m sorry… I did not know him as you do. Please help bring him back…”
The red genie snarls and turns into flames as he was about to lose his next victim. This green genie had the ability to turn the darkest hearts and in so taking away what sustains him, other’s misery.
Evil Genie's Exploding Lamp-Pinterest
“NO! She is mine, he is mine!”
“No one is yours dark one, be gone!” With a flick of his wrist he was cast back into his lamp. A low guttural moan resounded in the room as the evil genie was locked with the emotions and feelings of every victim. Suddenly the lamp blew up and the princess guarded her face from the shards that flew across the room and embedded in her satin outfit laden with patterns of flowers.
“Is your wish to have Aladdin?”
“Very much so…Maybe I can get to know him...and maybe learn to love him. I never really did like or even love the Vizar anyways.”

With a big smile that could dazzle the most beautiful woman. Aladdin appeared back in bed, asleep as if nothing happened.

Gibbs, L.(2014, July 19). Myth-Folklore Unit: Arabian Nights Entertainments; [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Author's Note: The story originally came about by my initial reaction to the taking of the princess, by the way of Aladdin. I was kind of in shock that she would so readily give herself to him in the form of marriage. She completely dismisses whom she was married to. It was just odd to me, so I wanted to change that. Make it to the princess was blinded by her faithfulness to her husband to realize that she never did like him or love him for that matter. Her initial reaction (and calling of the lamp genie)stemmed from my initial reaction to the story. Which is why I decided to go with a evil genie/good genie. The evil genie represents what I originally thought of the story and the good genie represents what I thought of the story later. Plus, with Aladdin having to genie's in the story I really wanted to represent the differences between them both because they kind of blend together.

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