Monday, October 17, 2016

Reading Notes: [Rasmussen's Eskimo Folktales, Part A]]

1. The Coming of Men, A Long Long While Ago: "Store the words in little black Marks." Title Brainstorm: A Keeper of Words.
Goes out and grabs words off of a tree, like apple pickers and puts them on little black marks that get transferred via inspiration to very popular writers and etc.
  • Mighty flood wipes out group of people making the polar ice caps and massive cold front that lasts forever. Location: Alaska. Life is completely changed.
  • Man comes back from the dead, but is forced back in the ground to live out eternity. Explain how the person feels about being condemned and his murderer free.
  • "Fore when men die, they go up with the sky and become brightly shining things there." -Inspiration.
2. Nukunguasik, Who Escaped from Tupilak: I found this story a little confusing so it was really hard for me to pull any ideas fro it. I thought that Nukunguasik was one of the brothers. I guess not.
3. The Woman Who had a Bear as a Foster-Son: Reminded me a lot of Tarz
Foster Bears-ArtistAlaska
Foster Bears-ArtistAlaska
an and I would like to draw inspiration from that. Maybe have the bear seem so human, that it fears for its life. When he has to leave his foster mother to live with other bears.
  • The dead man was killed by a hunter who thought bears shouldn't live with humans. Plans trap-bear is innocent-bear gets killed or the hunter puts his foot in his mouth (metaphorically) at a bar.
  • Spot is way to track the bear.
3. Qalaganguase, Who Passed the Land of Ghosts: Qalaganguase turns into a ghost and frightens his tormentors (those who tied him to a post, so they could go to a singing competition). Draw humor out of a dark situation. Have him sing songs as a ghost to either drive tormentors mad or annoy them.
Qalanganuase, the Jokester Ghost-Frompo
4. Isigaligarssik: Two magical items: The small child size bow and dress. Passed down through Isig's family.
  • 3 Generations: Each use magic items in a certain way. 
  • What caused it to be in each person's hands?
  • End story with beginning of Isigaligarssik's.
{Will Finish Reading Part A Tomorrow}

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