Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Reading Notes: [[Homer's The Iliad, Part B]]

1. I find that a war that killed hundreds was started because of Helen to be slightly disturbing. What if Helen made a deal with Achilles to start the war? That way he can have all the glory, but it backfired hugely by causing his death. Which, in turn, caused her to be shunned, therefore, ostracized to a deserted island.
2. Make Patroclus (I think that's how you spell it), Achilles son (yes make him son), not die and thinking he was deceased screams out in pain and heartbreak. Then Achilles vows to destroy the Trojans, by way of a wooden horse that had been delivered by a spy. This spy claimed it was a gift from Zeus, to help them win the war and claim the body of Patroclus. This actually causes the The Trojans to lose the war.
Death of Patroclus-Wikipedia
3. Achilles turns into a hawk by a magical curse caused by a goddess (research goddesses that have a connection to birds). The only way to get rid of the curse is to get back a woman who could be the downfall of the kingdom (Helen). "One seems to fly..." (Achilles turns into a bird, Hector turns into a cheetah and catches Achilles. By bringing animals into the story I can expand on Metaphoric explanation in "The Slaying of Hector (cont,) and the end". Brainstorm: Hector crouches down like a cheetah  as Achilles flies lowly to the ground with Talons like a spear they fight...etc.
4. Hermes causes a deep sleep that ends the war. This is until Hermes dies a 100 years later starting another great war.
Gibbs, L. (2014, May 29).Myth-Folklore Unit: Homer's Iliad;Retold by A.J. Church [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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