Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading Notes: [[Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Part A]]

Butterflies in Wonderland-Pinterest
1. Down the Rabbit Hole: Alice falls down a rabbit hole full of HG Wells trinkets as she looks at all this amazing stuff she wanders if Wells herself (yes herself) fell down the same hole she did, therefore giving her all sorts of amazing ideas. Write about HG Wells falling down the hole and what led her there.
2. Advice from a Caterpillar: Caterpillar rhymes to Alice about how everyone has become a butterfly, but him. He is stuck smoking a hookah on a mushroom and etc. Laminate the caterpillars frustration, despair, and etc.
Tick-Tock Bunny-Pinterest
3. Pig and Pepper: I feel like I want to change the violence toward the baby. Maybe in a game of croquet against the queen the Duchess looses her child. I like the idea of toying with the possibility of the queen being good and seeing the abuse the "child" has undertaken save her. Maybe the baby could be Alice when she was little? Alice tells the story of her abusive childhood... Go dark? I don't know...
* There is a lot of imagination and imagery in this story. Something as creative as Alice in Wonderland you would think I would have more ideas, but I find myself struggling a bit in this first half. Maybe my noggin will kick into high creative gear in Part B. Only time will tell.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865). Alice in Wonderland
Pink + Alice= Perfection

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